CSARN introduces a new service for our Community: a way to publicize new works.  If you have an event or work you would like added, read the guidelines and enter the required information in the form below.

The Listings






Written Word


Please Read the Guidelines for Submissions


  • The works and exhibits must be current, a new edition, or the remounting of older works, and available to the public.
  • The senior artist must be a professional artist with a history of presenting works to the public through exhibitions, performances, publications, readings, recordings, screenings or other means appropriate to the nature of the work.
  • The senior artist must have a connection with CSARN. This can be achieved by being a mentor in the Mentoring Program, a participant in Healthcare Assist + Connect or a member of the Board of Directors or Advisory Committee. Others qualify if they have participated in two or more other CSARN activities, including the Maintaining Creativity Conferences, Salons and seminars.


  • The listing will be for a maximum period of four weeks, except where the public exhibition or performance is for a longer period, in which case the listing may continue for an additional period of not more than four weeks.
  • Staff will make a decision about whether or not the listing is approved. If staff are uncertain, they will discuss the matter with an appropriate (by artistic discipline) Board or Advisory Committee member. If the member disagrees with a negative decision, the matter will be referred to a committee of three artistic peers selected by CSARN for final decision. The deliberations of the committee will be confidential. 

Final Authority

  • CSARN reserves the absolute right to decide the eligibility of the artist and what can be listed, and to remove any listing at its sole discretion.

Submit Your Event or Work Here

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