Being an artist can be a solitary existence. For most of us, it’s a way of life: working in a studio, or at a keyboard, learning lines, notes, or steps; it’s often done in solitude. Studies indicate that it’s good to interact now and then with others who understand the kind of life we lead.
The Canadian Artists Network hosts online gatherings we call the Online Salons, or OnSalons. It’s a chance to meet other artists of our cohort from across the country and beyond, find out what others are up to, and perhaps learn new ways of creating.
We meet every three weeks [see our new schedule below].
You must be a member of our Community of Artists to take part. If you aren’t, we will contact you and ask you to join. Or, if you are new to CAN, you can use the “Join” button below.
Each OnSalon begins at 1:00 PM Eastern | 10:00AM Pacific time and runs for about 90 minutes.
To register for one of our OnSalons, use the form below and click the checkbox next to the date.
1000 Yonge Street, Suite 302,
Toronto, ON, Canada, M4W 2K2
Toronto phone: 647-854-1434
Toll-free: 844-927-2769
The Canadian Artists Network is a
registered Canadian Charity
Photography by Gregory Edwards