In order to qualify as a mentee, you must be a professional artist. If you are not sure you qualify, read our criteria.

Please note there is a sizeable waiting list at the moment. You may not hear from us for a while.

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What Makes a Professional Artist

A professional artist meets at least three of the following criteria: 

  1. Appropriate specialized training in the artistic field at a school, institution, organization and/or with a Master Artist. 
  2. Identifies as a professional and is recognized as such by peers (engagers, galleries, experts, critics, and/or artists working in the same artistic tradition). 
  3. Seeks compensation for the artistic work, including receipt of grants from relevant public and private arts funding agencies. 
  4. Has a history of presenting work to the public by means of exhibitions, publications, performances, readings, screenings, or by other appropriate means. 
  5. Membership in a relevant professional association of artists (such as TWUC, ACTRA, CAEA, CFM, CARFAC, etc).